Client Testimonials

"If you are going to do one thing this year to improve the performance of your manufacturing based business, attend a Ron Moore seminar! Ron has the skill of making the complex simple. His communication skills allow him to drive his message to all levels of an organisation."

Eion Turnbull
CalTex Refineries, Australia
General Manager

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A number of the unique workshops we use as an integral part of our change management processes are also available to be run as discrete events on a public or in-house basis.

Reliability & Operations Excellence Master Class
This Master Class reviews models for achieving Operations Excellence patterned after some of the world’s best companies... [more]

Reliability-based Design Master Class
A one-day master class for those implementing new capital projects to learn how to incorporate reliability and life cycle principles to maximise value... [more]

The Manufacturing Game®
The Manufacturing Game® is a powerful catalyst to engage your frontline staff in reliability practices and behaviours... [more]

The OilPro Game®
Based on The Manufacturing Game® , The OilPro Game® has been designed specifically to simulate the challenges of Oil & Gas production... [more]

What Tool? When? – Selecting the Right Manufacturing
Improvement Tools

This Master Class reviews the leading improvement methodologies used by companies across the world to improve their asset and business performance... [more]

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